Screening and confirmation of the newly appointed Service Chiefs has commenced. The event which is taking place in the Abuja, is coordinated by the House of Representatives Committee on Defence. Chairman of the Committee on Defence and Chairman of the Ad-hoc Committee screening the Service Chiefs, Babajimi Benson, said the lawmakers will give the service Chief all required support to succeed in their assignments, if confirmed. CUE IN… Called upon to present their visions if confirmed to take on the new roles, the appointees for Defence Chief, Major-General Lucky Irabor; Army Chief, Major-General Ibrahim Attahiru; Naval Chief, Rear Admiral Awwal Gambo and that of Air Staff, Air Vice Marshal Ishiaka Amao, laid out their intentions. CUE IN… Those were the appointed Chiefs of Defence, Army, Navy and Air Staff

Written by on February 17, 2021

Screening and confirmation of the newly appointed Service Chiefs have commenced.

The event which is taking place in the Abuja is coordinated by the House of Representatives Committee on Defence.

Chairman of the Committee on Defence and Chairman of the Ad-hoc Committee screening the Service Chiefs, Babajimi Benson, said the lawmakers will give the service Chief all required support to succeed in their assignments if confirmed.

 Called upon to present their visions if confirmed to take on the new roles, the appointees for Defence Chief, Major-General Lucky Irabor; Army Chief, Major-General Ibrahim Attahiru; Naval Chief, Rear Admiral Awwal Gambo and that of Air Staff, Air Vice Marshal Ishiaka Amao, laid out their intentions.

Those were the appointed Chiefs of Defence, Army, Navy and Air Staff


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